Parent Registration
Parent & Caregiver Event
An optional and concurrent event for parents or caregivers is offered. It includes food, music, and many fun activities and takes place in the building next door to Blue Oaks Church.
If you register for the parent event you cannot enter the prom event next door. Only guests and registered volunteers can enter the dance.
If your Guest needs assistance in the restroom or if they need you to visit with them, you must register as a Buddy or Volunteer.
Multiple family members can attend the Parent/Caregiver Event with you. The registration form provides space to indicate the number of people attending with you.
Parent & Caregiver Event
A concurrent event just for you! You cannot attend the prom if you are attending the Parent & Caregiver Event.
Registration is closed
Attend the Main Event
If your Guest needs assistance in the bathroom, you should register as a Buddy or Volunteer so that you can visit with them during the event.
Registration is closed
The 2024 event will cost $85,000. That’s roughly $65 per Honored Guest, Volunteer and Parent. The money to make this event a reality comes from individuals, churches, and businesses who donate or become event sponsors. Give now to help create a night filled with joy and celebration.